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  • Other Services



  • DB consulting

    1. Provide expert knowledge from design, construction and management of on-demand DB.
    2. Guide DB utilization optimized for business purposes such as healthcare and R&D.
    3. Consult integrated design that allows linkage between EHR, PHR, health check-up data.
    • C company consulting case Consulting for building a database of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients and health people
    • K Hospital consulting case Consulting for the Establishment of Integrated DB of Autonomic Neurological Signal and Medical Data
  • RWE Consulting

    1. Ensure that industry-led studies are effectively planned and conducted.
    2. Confirm the feasibility of DB clinical studies in the early research phase.
    3. Produce accurate and reliable research results.


The revitalization of RWE's industry by providing education curricula
  • We train professionals in medical data analysis and utilization to become experts in RWE research.
  • We provide customized training by organizing the content according to the request of clients.
Training on how to build and manage high-quality databases for research
  • We provide case-oriented training based on DB standard operating procedure (SOP)
  • We introduce notes and solutions for each step of work through our knowledge and experience.
Provide in-depth knowledge of RWE research methods
  • We provide research topic-specific training on RWE standard operating procedure (SOP)
  • We provide hands-on training in data analysis in medicine based on diverse RWE studies.

Project Support

Support for government or clinical society-focused R&D, commercialization, and more
  • We help you plan, execute, deliver results, and commercialize your project.
  • We collaborate with hospitals and biohealth industry to deliver tangible results for national projects
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