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  • DB clinical research


RWE provides reliable clinical evidence of the potential benefits and risks of therapeutic products through DB study.

  • Actionable Insights for Decision-Making

    Provide practical evidences reflecting the patient's voices

  • Improving Healthcare Quality

    Contribute to policy decisions, drug development, and patient care optimization.

RWE has analytical software
  1. It is the first analysis software in Korea that can simulate DB-based high-dimensional clinical trials.

  2. It is a smart and unique product launched based on five years of consulting experience with pharmaceutical and bio companies.

DB Study Support (OWL Service)
  1. Assist in conducting research by a customized training.

  2. Support systematic research design and analysis.

RWE Study Results
  1. Provide DB study results through in-depth analyses.

  2. Write the synopsis of study protocol or report containing key designs and results.

RWE Insight Utilization
  1. Mediate R&D collaboration between industry and hospital.

  2. Support promotion of Industry -led clinical within hospitals.

Study Case

  • Diabetes Case

    Comparison of effectiveness and safety between glucose lowering agents
    : SGLT2i vs DPP-4i

    Research purpose

    Comparing surrogate endpoints and clinical outcomes for assessing renal protection

    Target patient
    Patients prescribed medication to treat type 2 diabetes
    Selection conditions
    Operational definition of diagnosis, drug exposure setting, follow-up period, etc.
    Evaluation items
    • Surrogate endpoint: eGFR change (at 1 and 2 years)
    • Clinical outcome: Incidence rate of kidney-related diseases
    Collection variables
    • Evaluation variables: eGFR, kidney-related disease codes (N00, N01, N03-05, N17-10, N39, etc.)
    • Covariate variables: age, gender, comorbidities (hypertension, dyslipidemia), baseline eGFR, RAS (Renin-angiotensin system) inhibitor
  • Osteoporosis Case

    Comparison of effectiveness and safety between osteoporosis treatment drugs
    : Romosozumab vs Denosumab

    Research purpose
    Comparison of effectiveness and long-term safety between drugs
    Target patient
    Patients prescribed osteoporosis treatment medication
    Selection conditions
    Operational definition of diagnosis, drug exposure setting, follow-up period, etc.
    Evaluation items
    • Effectiveness: Fracture incidence
    • Safety: Incidence of cardio-cerebrovascular disease
    Collection variable
    • Bone Fracture - fracture search diagnosis based on KCD
    • Gender, age at diagnosis, BMD (Bone Mineral Density)
    • Cardiovascular disease - diagnosis (I20-25, I30-52, etc.)
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